Protect Your Family From Emmissions With a Cell Phone Radiation Blocker

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Were you aware that wireless phones continue to emit radiation even when they’re not in use? It has been found that this radiation is emitted 24 hours per day. To create a safer environment and prevent these emissions from adversely affecting family and community health, it’s important to understand the actual and potential effects of EMF exposure.

The Risks of EMF

n 2006, there were approximately two billion cell phones in use worldwide. As of 2012, this number increased to approximately six billion cell phone users. It is not clear how many of these individual cell phone users are aware of the risks of EMF.

It has been determined that adverse biological effects can occur within the first few minutes of using a cell phone. Furthermore, it has also been found that a fetus can be affected within the womb.

According to a study conducted with children whose mothers used cell phones while pregnant, 25% had more emotional problems, 35% were more hyperactive, 49% had more conduct disorders, and 34% experienced more problems with children their own age.

In 2010, another study was conducted with children and adolescents between the ages of 8-to-17 years. The results of this study showed that even short-term EMF exposure caused headaches and irritation. Furthermore, these children also experience more difficulties concentrating in school.

Taking EMF Safety Precautions

Since most families have more than one cordless phone, it’s important to take precautions to protect children from EMF. Even though some scientists may believe additional precautions are needed, radiation exposure can be limited by holding smart phones at least an inch away from the face.

When homes are located within range of a cell phone tower, particularly when that tower is within 328 yards and in clear view, taking additional precautions is even more important. One of the solutions to this problem is to explore a shielding solution, such as a cell phone radiation blocker.

When adequate cell phone radiation protection is in place by using a cell phone radiation blocker, it can make a major difference in preventing adverse physical and psychological health effects.

The average number of EMF shields, or filters, needed in a single home is about 20. This figure is based on the number of devices that are actually plugged in at any one time. There may be a need for more EMF shields, such as a cell phone radiation blocker depending on how many devices are in the home and how many are actually plugged in.

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