It’s Time To Tighten Up! Learning About Botox Treatments


It’s hard to keep up with our culture of youth in the modern day. Luckily, there are subtle ways to tweak and touch up that you don’t even need Photoshop for! You don’t have to sacrifice your skin to those hideous bags or sags — if you keep up a healthy and active lifestyle, Botox treatments can do the rest! The procedure itself doesn’t take that long and they’re even FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approved, as of April 2002. If you try them today, you’ll be amazed at the changes they can provide — and you’ll have all your friends commenting on how youthful and amazing you look. They’ll want to know your secret for the fountain of youth!
How Does Botox Work?
Botox is a form of wrinkle treatment and is often used as an eye wrinkle treatment or as a form of cosmetic improvement. In essence, when Botox is injected as a liquid, it stops signals from getting to the muscles from the nerves. This keeps the muscle from contracting and the wrinkles soften out. This can last anywhere from four to six months, whereupon you’ll have to get the procedure done again, if you so desire. The good news? The more you do it, the more improved your results will be. Additionally, it’s difficult for lines to reappear where you’ve had Botox treatments before — so while it’s not perfectly anti-aging, it does help.
It gets injected using a needle and unlike other forms of cosmetic improvement, you don’t even need anesthesia! It can take anywhere from three days to a week to really set and take effect. You’ll want to avoid alcohol and aspirin or other pain meds during this time.
You do want to make sure that the doctor applying the treatment can do it in a tasteful manner so you don’t end up looking “frozen”–where nothing in your face moves until the treatment relaxes a little. Forehead lines, crow’s feet, and frown lines are most often targeted with Botox treatments.
Don’t be alarmed if you see some bruising or swelling — this is normal and should go away fairly quickly. If you develop other symptoms that persist, go see your doctor immediately.
Why Get Botox In The First Place?
While many people do get Botox to look younger or improve the way their skin looks, that’s not the only reason. Some people may get Botox to help reduce migraine headaches, for example — a surprising side effect of the injections! They can help lower symptoms for as long as three months. Additionally, a study was done on 30 people six weeks after they’d had a Botox treatment. Remarkably, the study showed that the patients had almost a 50% decrease in symptoms of depression! This may be due to heightened self-esteem based on their physical appearance or it could have to do with something else entirely. Either way, a positive result from Botox treatments!
The old adage, “Look good, feel good” is certainly true with users of Botox! Try a treatment today and see for yourself what a change it can make for you!

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