Every Special Occasion is an Occasion for Flowers

Fall floral arrangements

When you think about it, there really are not many occasions in life that do not call for flowers. Many of the very big occasions in our lives that call for flowers are relatively obvious situations. Fall wedding flowers, spring wedding flowers, flower bouquets for proms or special parties, and even sympathy flowers that are given to someone you love and hold dear make a statement of genuine thoughtfulness and love.

The floral industry is a pretty big business, generating upwards of $7 billion in annual revenue. One of the reasons it does so well is that the floral industry understands the kind of magic flowers are when given at the right time, and there is virtually no time when sending flowers is not the right time.

If you want to show that you are thinking of someone, send that person flowers. It is almost always going to do the trick. In fact, it is probably one of the most perfect things you can do. According to a recent survey, 99% of people believe that a person who gives flowers is thoughtful. There are several reasons for this belief, but one of them is the thought that the giver has put some time into choosing just the right flowers for the person and for the occasion.

Occasions and relationships are the two big factors when it comes to choosing flowers. If a person is unable to attend a funeral, for example, sending sympathy flowers to the family is often viewed as something very thoughtful. But, the sender would not likely send red roses, but rather something more appropriate for a funeral.

The same thing could be said of sending flowers to a wedding. If you are an ex-husband or ex-boyfriend of the bride, you wouldn’t want to send red roses there, either. Probably no the smart move by any stretch. Instead, you would want to send something neutral that simply says that you wish the new couple well. This is where your florist comes in.

Whether it is sympathy flowers or get well flowers or anything in between, your florist is an expert in the flowers they sell and can point you in the right direction for what would be appropriate to send.

Flowers have been given as signs of love, sympathy, and all other emotions since humankind have been stopping and smelling them.

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